Facial Abuse Breeding Blondie

Published on June 27, 2023 by HumiliationOnline

The Vaccinated Vandal inserted the pink coin into the slot and laid there, dripping semen. She kept the change in her womb. As a valiant cock sucker and throater, she threw up all over her face. It was a pleasure to witness her breaking in like a horse, as her ass got fucked and she tasted ass and sipped yellow discipline to further eliminate any sense of self-respect she had left. After three more cumshots impaired her already-weakened resilience, she was sent off to her man much more compliant and subservient. Whenever she feels like it’s time for another session, she’s always welcomed back gratefully; after all, she is an excellent whore who strives hard to please.

Download this scene called “Breeding Blondie” on FacialAbuse.com.

Facial Abuse

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